I was recently asked to sample and review NurturMe blended dry cereal meals with my 8 month old and I was thrilled for the opportunity. Have you strolled down the baby food aisle lately?! As a new mom walking down the baby food aisle, it can be overwhelming with all the options for your little one. I was unfamiliar with the choices for dry baby food, but fortunately my son has been a wonderful eater, so I was anxious to try out NurturMe organic dry meal pouches and explore new flavors and foods.

The dried baby food comes in a simple easy-to-tear open pouch. Pour the food into a bowl and you add either water, breast milk, or formula to create your desired consistency (one pouch calls for 7 to 8 tablespoons of liquid and will make a typical amount of food). I prepared NurturMe carrots, raisins, and sweet potato baby food with water and was immediately impressed. As any mom would, I tried the new food NME-00238-4before offering it to my little guy and was surprised at the amount of flavor – it was delicious! My little one ate nearly the entire amount prepared. I was thrilled because I knew he was getting a ton of nutrients.

Like most baby foods, the remaining prepared food can be stored for 2-3 days in the refrigerator. I would definitely recommend NurturMe organic gluten free dried baby food, not only because of the ingredients used, but the convenience as well. I think their lightweight pouches would be great for on-the-go families. These pouches can easily be stored and stashed in your pantry, car, diaper bag, etc. and you have the satisfaction of knowing your growing little one is getting powerful nutrients. Check out their website to learn about all of their product offerings and to find their food in a retailer near you!

– Allyson

**BurritoBuzz received these products at low or no cost for the purpose of review or testing. No compensation for a positive review was provided. All product reviews are based 100% off of our personal experiences and we never guarantee a positive review.**