We love books. We asked for books instead of cards at Cayden’s baby shower, we attended library story time weekly and always ended up checking out between 7-10 books a week and he still practically begs for someone to read him a story before nap time and bed time. To say he has his own personal library would be an understatement.

When I ran across Wonderous INK, I was ecstatic. Wondrous INK makes books, personalized for each child,  using not only their name, but a little character that can be chosen20953857_1940852529525484_560971196040242750_n to look similar to the child. They essentially place your child into the story and utilize the letter’s of his/her name in super cool ways to tell them what is special and unique about them!

You start by entering the child’s name, choosing the gender and the character and then you can preview the book.

I was pleasantly surprised when I received the book in the mail. It is in a bright red sturdy box and well protected. The book itself is made of super sturdy, high quality, thick paper and the colors are phenomenal. The package itself can be addressed directly to your child, so the excitement starts right at the mailbox. What kid doesn’t LOVE getting mail?

To jump to the point, Cayden LOVES his book! The wording is super cool and the entire story line is well written. He actually learned how to spell his name just with a few readings.

Inside the book, the author uses the letters of your child’s name to help other characters and then describes your child with a word starting with that letter. In our book, the letter “C” was used as a horseshoe to fix the cart horse’s hoof. The letter “C” also stands for the word “Clever”.

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The book goes on through all of the letters of the child’s name and at the end, is a “paper” that states all of the unique qualities.

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Given the quality, cleverness, and overall design, Wonderous INK definitely gets a 5 out of 5!

Wondrous INK knows that you too, will love the book so they have offered an exclusive promo code for our BurritoBuzz followers! To receive 20% off your order until the end of September, use promo code:


And, on top of their amazing promo code, we will be giving away not 1, but 2 books to our amazing followers! Keep an eye on our Facebook and our Instagram for details on how to enter!


**BurritoBuzz received this product free of charge for review purposes only. There is no compensation given for a positive review, and all opinions and ratings are that of our own**