…and we’re back.

2 years ago, Casey did our initial review of the SnoofyBee in which she happily gave it a 5 out of 5 stars. When SnoofyBee reached out again and informed us that knockoff companies are using their pictures to promote and market their :ahem: less than fantastic product, I agreed to not only (re)review the SnoofyBee, but agreed to review the knockoff product and again provide a true, honest review and opinion.

This is a true knockOUT product versus knockOFF product. Let’s be real here, SnoofyBee was a knockout the second they launched their Kickstarter because it was the answer to everything a parent needed for diaper changes. There really is no comparison between the two.

**For the ease of the review, the REAL SnoofyBee is on the top or on the left in the pictures**

Packaging: SnoofyBee comes in a typical package but the product itself has a wrap on it with info, scannable QR code and pictures of cute babies. The knockoff has nothing. No instructions, no pictures that show you how it might work, and the zipper on the plastic bag broke so I couldn’t even unzip it and had to resort to just cutting it out of there. 1525966595084

Barrier: So the ENTIRE point of the product is to keep your child occupied and keep their hands out of their dirty diaper area. Both products achieved this but for VERY different reasons. The SnoofyBee’s barrier is rigid (yet still soft and padded) and when Velcroed shut, stands up on its own thus keeping Gabe’s hand out of his diaper area. The knockoff has ZERO stability and kept Gabe’s hand out of his diaper area because he was too busy trying to remove the product from his face as it collapsed. It offered NO rigidity an it’s also not adjustable. The SnoofyBee has adjustable Velcro while the knockoff only offered it to stick together in one location.


Toy Hooks: Gabe’s favorite “busy” toy is his Nuby keys. These do not have a split ring as you can see. The SnoofyBee offers attached toy rings with a split to be able to literally put any toy on there. The knockoff, I would have to purchase a separate ring in order to attach 97% of toys to it seeing as how all they offer is a completely closed D ring with no way to attach anything to it.


Strap: Both offer a carrying strap but the quality is drastically different. SnoofyBee has a thicker strap and buckle that just overall feels stronger and more stable.


Length and Width: While the knockoff product tops the SnoofyBee for overall length and width, the SnoofyBee offers more useable space since the barrier is attached differently. This allows for more adjustment when it comes to being able to grow with your child. When folded completely closed, the SnoofyBee is more compact and I was able to put it into my diaper bag with more ease.


Price: While the SnoofyBee comes in at $29.99 and the knockoff you can snag anywhere between $14.99-18.99, its a true “you get what you pay for” type ordeal. People are purchasing the knockoff and then purchasing the Snoofybee because the pictures are deceiving and the product people THINK they’re receiving isn’t what they ARE receiving.

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You can clearly see in the below image that the knockoff has utilized the images from SnoofyBee to try to market their own product when in actuality, their product doesn’t amount to or offer the same attributes as the SnoofyBee.

Again, no comparison between the two.

Have you tried the SnoofyBee or the knockoff brand? What do you think?

Until next time.

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I received a full-sized product for the purpose of review and in consideration for my true, honest opinion. No compensation was received in exchange for a positive review.