Move over Elf on the Shelf- there is a new tradition in town! Reindeer In Here has replaced the late night mess making elf, the alarms in your phone labeled “move elf” (don’t ask me how I know these exist) and the “don’t touch or [it] will lose its magic”.

Adam Reed released Reindeer In Here when he couldn’t find a Christmas tradition that fit the bill of what he was wanting. While yes, there is Elf on the Shelf, but like stated already above- stressful stressful stressful and NOT what the Reed Family wanted for their kids. So Reindeer In Here was born.

It is sold as a plush and book gift set and the story is precious! The reindeer has antlers that are different lengths to teach children that different is okay! The reindeer is meant to be the first gift sent from Santa and unlike Elf on the Shelf, children are ENCOURAGED to take the reindeer with them everywhere so that it can “learn” about each child’s uniqueness. While Elf on the Shelf spies on children, Reindeer In Here encourages the children to confide in their reindeer so that Santa can get to know them better. The reindeer “writes” letters back to Santa nightly (no real letters need to be written) and children place the reindeer under the tree on Christmas Eve for Santa to take back to the North Pole with him.

Honestly, this is the best tradition you could start and seeing as how Reindeer In Here has over 9 awards and has been named the 2018 Most Awarded Holiday Tradition Brand I’d think it’s safe to say- you won’t be disappointed.

Price wise the gift set will run you $32.99 on Amazon or $29.99 in local retail stores. Elf on the Shelf runs $29.99 and up as well so the pricing is definitely comparable.

Find yours in a local store near you and start your new family tradition!